Friday, August 28, 2009

Welcome Scout's Honour to the World

In the early hours of the morning, Indian Scout had a beautiful Spanish Mustang filly. I have called her Scouts Honour and her paddock name is Lacey. It was a dramatic entry into the world for little Lacey. I heard Scout whinnying about 3:30am and didn't think much of it as she often calls out to check where Sienna is at night. It went on for awhile so I got up and went out to check her. She was absolutely frantic when I got up to the yard. I went in to try to calm her down and noticed Sienna was standing nearby. I then looked down to see the placenta on the ground and so I to started to panic. I searched around the yard but no foal. I was very puzzled so I ran and woke Carmen up to come and help me. We both puzzled over what could have happened and why there was no foal to be seen but clearly Scout had given birth and was distressed. We searched farther afield and were shocked to find the foal leaning on the fence just before the dam some 50 metres away from the yard. It was q uite the struggle to get the foal up to the yard as she was a big, strong girl. Eventually we got Scout and Lacey reunited and they got to the task of bonding.

Scout is a very good mother although quite a tough one. It is fascinating to watch her teach Lacey the ways of the world. She can be a little rough on her at times for example if Lacey is to rough on the teat she will give her a nip or if she isn't listening to Scout she will promptly put her back into place. Scout is very protective of her and has changed in personality dramtically since Lacey arrived.

I am amazed at how tough and sensible this breed are. Lacey is an absolute delight and I cannot wait to get her and Scout settled into our new home. We should be able to move within 3 weeks all going well.

Here is a link to some video I took of Lacey's first few hours with us: